Hello, world. I’m MacDara Conroy, and this is my blog.

Tag: art

Godzilla: The Showa Era Films box set

Look at how gorgeous this artwork is. And the individual covers within the set are just as fantastic. It’ll make it hurt that bit more if it turns out this box set won’t be getting a European release/can’t be played on Euro Blu-ray players. #image


Pure CSS

Diana Smith’s art made in the medium of CSS and HTML. Very impressive. By the way, this is from my MeFi favourites, where I occasionally save stuff that interests me. #link


Letting neural networks be weird

Machine learning, unconstrained from the memes or tropes or expectations of human empirical understanding, produces what can best be appreciated as accidental art as it strives to compute a formula for the human mind. If you want to put it in a philosophical way, like. This also reminds me of something I read last year on the phenomenon of Afghan war rugs, and how the iconography divorced from context results in a similar semiotic clash — yet one produced by human beings, not computers. (I couldn’t find the source for that, but Phil Gyford just blogged about it. Serendipity!) #link


Bethune Park VIII, by Paul Regan

I like art with an eye for the uncanny in the mundane, and the work of London-based painter Paul Regan fits that bill to a T. #image



Pick a map, style it up, get a print. Simple. #link


Tara Flynn on ‘the work of art’

“Where the craft lies, what people forget to value, is the work no one sees. The binned drafts. The recycled clay, the choreography that doesn’t click. It’s heartbreaking and nobody knows or cares; why should they? Except that is where the work is. That’s where experience blossoms. The sheer doing it everyday is the 'genius', not the flash of inspiration that can lead to acclaim. Not the jammy gig, big commission, showy role.” #link


I've twice been to the Rothko Room at London's Tate Modern, most recently in the summer of 2013 when 'Black on Maroon' was undergoing a painstaking restoration process after it was vandalised in October 2012. The science behind that process is as remarkable as the painting itself, and most of Mark Rothko's work for that matter, is spellbinding. #video


Light in the dark

My friend Dáire Lynch is an amazing artist; you can see for yourself in the video above (filmed by another friend of mine, John Mulvaney) that gives you just a glimpse of his work and working methods.

Dáire’s currently running a FundIt campaign to support a new project which involves painting portraits of musicians that mean a lot to him. He’s let me in on a couple of the names he’s already lined up, and it’s really gearing up to be something special.




You just don't see art like this 'round these parts. #image
