Hello, world. I’m MacDara Conroy, and this is my blog.

Friday Five #31

Yes, it’s two days late, but I haven’t been running at 100% capacity this weekend.


1. If you could only choose 1 CD to ever listen to again, what would it be?

If I can’t choose an mp3 mix CD that I burned myself, then The Punch Line by the Minutemen.

2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be?

One of them I’m sure I haven’t seen yet. The other one however simply has to be Billy Madison. It was on TV last night and it was as good as ever. It’s one of those that just slips through the net. It doesn’t make any sense, doesn’t fit neatly into any single category and has some incredibly surreal humour for a major studio picture (and a supposed star vehicle to boot; probably the reason that Adam Sandler’s career didn’t really skyrocket until the not-as-good Happy Gilmore). I am amazed that it has yet to attain the cult status it so truly deserves.

3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be?

I’m not the kind of person who re-reads books. I take the position that there’s so much good literature out there that I shouldn’t be wasting my relatively short time on this mortal coil with stuff I’ve already read.

4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be?

I’m gonna have to give really general answers for this one: milk chocolate, bread, cheese, and Pepsi Max.

5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?

I can’t answer this question, since I’d need at least a limit of 10 before I could consider choosing who makes it. Suffice to say that if you think I’m gonna pick you, then I probably will.