The rest of 2005, condensed into hyperlink form:
- The Universal Packing List / Generates a custom packing list for any journey, based on a few simple inputs. Good work!
- A ridiculously large collection of fonts by Dieter Steffmann
- Baffling Cuteness / “Exploring, and respectfully interpreting, the artifacts of another culture.”
- ‘The Aristocrats’ As I Think Bob Newhart Would Perform It / Uh-huh.
- The Redd Kross Podcast / Hasn’t been updated for a couple of years, but some of those early ones are an excellent resource. Hit it.
- The best God joke ever – and it’s mine! / Emo Philips gets ripped off all the time, so it’s only natural that he’s sensitive to the misattribution of his work – and right that he get the credit.
- The Greatest Stories Never Told / “Some of the most delicious unpublished journalism gets passed around like a secret handshake.”
- Photic sneeze reflex / Also known as ACHOO syndrome, which is a ridiculous term that trivialises what’s really a very interesting (and annoying) phenomenon: why I and many others sneeze involuntarily in response to bright light, especially sunlight.
- Mark of friendship / Ian Jack on the subtleties of using the semi-colon.
- SoundTransit / Another phonography/field recording link (sadly now closed, but it seems the files will be relocated shortly). Seriously, combining these with Flickr photos would create an even more immersive experience; maybe that’s what Flickr were getting at by introducing video uploads?
- Dummy Text Generator / Replace Lorem Ipsum with lyrics to ’80s cartoon intros? Don’t mind if I do!
- Make a paper CD case
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web / I think I’ve done well by this.