South Africans entertained by battle of the brands
Nando's is notorious at home for its comedy ads, but this is the first time another company -- and insurance firm, no less -- has decided to play the game. Only in South Africa! #link
Date: July 2012
Nando's is notorious at home for its comedy ads, but this is the first time another company -- and insurance firm, no less -- has decided to play the game. Only in South Africa! #link
This is from two months ago, but the point still basically applies today. And it applies to more than just Europe. #link
The Stupid Things You Do in the Kitchen (and How to Fix Them)
The telegraph is a key development in the early chapters of James Gleick's The Information (which I'm still reading); it's pretty amazing to see how so many different systems developed for specific circumstances. #link
Salon's ranking of last year's (American) movie releases, from best to worst, which I'm linking to because I've pretty much forgotten what came oyt last year and I need to catch up. #link
The outrage, of course, stems from Simon's breaking of the cultural boycott of the later apartheid years. But he wasn't playing his own music to white audiences for a fat paycheque: he was helping to bring the music of black South Africans to wider attention. And I disagree completely with Jerry Dammers that it did "more harm than good". Billy Bragg pretty much sums up the whole kerfuffle when he says Simon was on "the wrong side of the argument" -- as if this unique situation fitted into the manichaean nature of the apartheid struggle. Also note Jonas Gwangwa's smartalec racial politicking about how it took "another white man to discover my people". Spare me, please. #link
Andy Baio celebrates a decade of his pioneering weblog. Congrats! (Also, it's weird to think that my blog is older than his.) #link
Food’s Biggest Scam: The Great Kobe Beef Lie
Thankfully an article about the sensible use of commas; that Oxford comma rubbish is for people who can't be bothered rewriting their sentences to remove potential ambiguities. They're usually the same kind who are prejudiced against the semi-colon. But I digress. #link
Like the Zeebox network I linked to last December, this is kind of what I was talking about two years ago, but still not quite there. #link
Saving this for when I rewatch the series, once I finally procure the box set. #link
My review of the most recent ESTEL album is up now on Thumped, as is my take on Reign Supreme, the new one from brutal death metal kings Dying Fetus.
On the deplorable treatment being meted out to blogger Anita Sarkeesian for having the temerity to express her opinions. Even the comment thread on this post is depressing; where did all this sexism and misogyny come from lately? Or did these fucking frat bros only just discover the internet or something? #link
An Irish woman with direct experience of abortion responds to those disgusting Youth Defence billboards, which reflect a general lack of understanding or even empathy among the Irish populace as a whole. #link
Ignore the asinine question; it's the answers that matter, especially this meticulously composed response. #link
If this video confirms anything, it's that the cast of Sesame Street are indeed Muppets, as I've maintained all along. #link
Krugman's voice isn't a lone one, but we've reached a situation where those making the decisions are so invested in their failures that they can't admit how much they messed up. #link
Chloe Lum of Montreal neo-no-wavers AIDS Wolf writes about the demise of her band. I can see how it can be demoralising to invest so much "in something that gets next to no feedback". But maybe we just need a new attitude to these things. Like, making the noises you want on your own terms, with no expectation that an audience will appreciate it. There's a presumption that music is inherently commercial, insofar as artists at every level of the game produce art (whether on record or on stage) that an audience pays to consume, but I don't buy it. #link
According to Wikipedia, the New Aesthetic is a term used to refer to the increasing appearance of the visual language of digital technology and the internet in the physical world, and the blending of virtual and physical. James Bridle is more succinct when he calls it "technologically enabled novelty in the world". Bruce Sterling, however, describes it here as a "genuine aesthetic movement with a weak aesthetic metaphysics" -- and I can kind of see his point. But then, much that is aesthetic in the postmodern age is devoid of any substantive metaphysical aspect. #link
Marking the 25th anniversary of the biggest show of them all. You should see it for Savage/Steamboat alone: it's the epitome of what a pro wrestling match should be, and the perfect 'in' for anyone who doesn't get it. #link
If you ever feel the need to catch up, like [c/o]. #link
Also good to see Dave Witte on the list, though he's totally wasted in Municipal Waste. #link
Derrick Bostrom's recollections from the sessions for the Meat Puppets' breakthrough that wasn't to be -- plus a bunch of outtakes, run-throughs and rehearsals for download. What a resource. #link
They sure don't make 'em like they used to. #link
This looks like a great series for exploring new places on foot. Will come in very handy the next time we go away on a big city holiday. #link
The New Yorker on The Daily Mail: the closest media outlet in the UK and Ireland to Fox News in terms of reality distortion. #link
Saving this for when I get around to watching all the seasons. It doesn't feel like five years since it ended. #link