Hello, world. I’m MacDara Conroy, and this is my blog.

Date: November 2017

After the years of fawning, I’m still waiting for all the ‘WTF happened to Apple?’ takes #aside


‘Rex Pflueger’ is like a name Lex Luger would use while wearing a mask after a loser-leaves-town match #aside


First leg cramp of the winter. Caught it just in time so I won’t have to hobble around for the rest of the day #aside


WWE will literally turn everyone heel but the one person who could benefit most #aside


Someone outside is revving an engine that sounds like a dog with a cold #aside


Just got an email receipt for heating oil that was ordered and delivered over three months ago #aside


Remember when this was all about socks? #aside


I always find it rich when drivers moan about cycling infrastructure when you all think hazard lights are a cloak to hide from wardens #aside


I’m not one for conspiracy theories…

…I believe the wrongs of this world are much more banal than we often allow ourselves to accept.

At the same time, I can’t help but see a connection between Fianna Fáil’s no-confidence motion against the Tánaiste, in the midst of an important Oireachtas committee on the Eighth Amendment, and the notion that their TDs represent this country’s most staunchly anti-choice political movement.

(Not that Fine Gael are any better, mind, as they’re two sides of the same coin, but how and ever.)


Are you having a rough day? Here’s a joke I just made up: How do pirates settle legal disputes? By ARRRRbitration #aside


By the way, it would be great if our TDs started acting like adults with responsibility to the people instead of acting the hole #aside


Bee’s geeking out over the new Dwarf Fortress while we listen to a 10-hour wrestling podcast. Just another evening in Chez Maccabee #aside


New Portal track is more cleanly produced than I would’ve expected #aside


That’s my third 2018 film release I’ve seen this week. I think I liked best the one most seem iffy about #aside


Having one of those days where writing is Really, Really Hard #aside


Just passed a man singing opera to a cormorant in the Newry Canal #aside


Ugh, Survivor Series: a few bright spots marred by a whole lotta nothing. I still Do Not Get the love for Brock. Are you all being ironic? #aside


Not sure whether to face-palm at Kalisto botching his entrance or be impressed that he saved it #SurvivorSeries #aside


Mugabe is going to ‘die peacefully in his sleep’ sometime in the next few days, isn’t he? #aside


Half past four and it’s already dark. I hate winter #aside


Just a thought: the darker lighting on NXT shows the past few weeks/months makes everyone’s tans look deeper than they ought to #aside


No one was really that bothered by Mauro’s commentary, till someone(s) influential said it’s the Worst Thing Ever. Cue internet pile-on #aside


Cage roof or no, I’m marking out for the TWO RINGS! #NXTTakeOver #aside


It’s the same with every ISP in my experience: the engineering side simply doesn’t talk to the CS side, to every customer’s detriment #aside


Oh joy, another apparently nationwide eir broadband outage #aside


The fancy upgraded Lidl on Moore St is freaking me out. A whole new self-service checkout UX to get used to #aside


Oh, now is a great time to discover a massive rip in the inseam of my jeans #aside


Just flipped the bird to a shitty driver on Church St and it felt OK if I’m honest #aside


I know I’m shouting into the abyss, but I do wish taxi and van drivers wouldn’t harass cyclists riding safely as conditions allow #aside


Tonight’s Bug v Earth gig is the perfect example of one I’d go to if I still lived in Dublin, but I can’t face the trek #aside


I guess Vince decided he doesn’t like managers again. I mean to hell with what’s entertaining for the ‘Universe’, right? #aside


When in doubt, watch NXT and let’s plays of GeoGuessr #aside


The 100 greatest comedies of all time, according to BBC Culture

I have quibbles with this list. Billy Wilder made funnier films than Some Like It Hot, for one, and in general the selection is top heavy with the kinds of films one might feel they ought to rate. But shuffle the deck, cutting out the Woody Allens (Annie Hall excepted, they’re simply not funny — I mean, besides the obvious), and maybe sequestering the early-20th-century works, and you’ve got yourself a decent pot luck. #link


So Much News. But about this Irish Rugby World Cup bid: where did you all think we were going to host it? I mean, seriously? #aside


Not seeing the Justice League press show this morning for reasons. It’s probably crap, whatever #aside
