Hello, world. I’m MacDara Conroy, and this is my blog.

Tag: ref

How to Cook Pasta in the Instant Pot

The measurements are US imperial (sigh) but it’s more or less a two-to-one ratio of water volume to pasta weight. I made macaroni and it came out fine, certainly good enough for me. #link


Tiny helpers

A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers (and potentially tinkerers like me). #link



Easily adjustable website frameworks via Bootstrap or CSS. Nicely done. #link


AGFA/Shaw Brothers Hong Kong Classics

I made a list on Letterboxd of 30 Shaw Brothers films restored via the American Genre Film Archive for theatrical release in the US this year, just for my own future reference but it may come in handy for you. (By the way, it’s dead easy to make lists on Letterboxd; this one took me all of five minutes.) #link



Free CSS and PNG gradients for use as website backdrops. Which might come in handy sometime. #link



A background removal took that purports to be easier than using the lasso or magic wand tools in Photoshop. That got my attention, so I'm filing this for future reference. #link
