Hello, world. I’m MacDara Conroy, and this is my blog.

Tag: SummerSlam

The #SummerSlam kickoff will be starting soon which means I’ll be tweeting about wrestling intermittently for the next seven hours > etc @MacDara #aside


Haven’t been #SummerSlam tweeting as you can tell but it’s been a decent show; some stuff I haven’t cared for but nothing to upset me #aside


Glad y'all liked that main event. I'm just not that into big hosses doing little but their finishers on each other forever blah #SummerSlam #aside


I've long thought Brock Lesnar is the worst champion for wrestling, and that match hasn't changed my opinion #SummerSlam #aside


Since Shane used to be a proper referee back in the day, let's see if he remembers not to cross the hard camera side #SummerSlam #aside


But Cesaro running into the crowd to burst that fucking beach ball was amazing. Nothing will top that tonight #SummerSlam #aside


Lost the enthusiasm to tweet about #SummerSlam now. Sasha vs my fave Alexa was fine. Balor/Wyatt was... fine #aside


There's still three fucking hours of this bullshit to go. Why are we doing this to ourselves? #SummerSlam #aside


Was about to take a nap because of Randy Boreton but Rusev just perked me right up #SummerSlam #aside


Enzo's a face, right? So why's he going in the shark cage? #SummerSlam #aside


Wasn't expecting that result. Now I'm out 25k coins in WWE Slam #SummerSlam #aside


Corbin's glum torso jobs to John Cena #SummerSlam #aside


WTF did I just watch? #SummerSlam #aside


That match started blah but the last 10 minutes were 👌🏼 #SummerSlam #aside


Elias might be getting over due to sheer force of will right now #SummerSlam #aside


Miz and Maryse do not deserve having to perform in an empty arena #SummerSlam #aside
